Dialogue between Matt McGrath and Pedro Jordano about environmental challenges
A dialogue to raise our awareness.
Matt McGrath, winner of the 2019 Biophilia Award for Environmental Communication, and Pedro Jordano, winner of the 2018 Alejandro Malaspina National Award for Research into Science and Technology of Natural Resources, will be discussing global changes in climate and biodiversity in an accurate, accessible way, dealing with environmental and climate challenges transversally. They will discuss the global environmental crisis we are experiencing and the importance of how it is presented.
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“Dialogue between Matt McGrath and Pedro Jordano about environmental challenges / Diálogo entre Matt McGrath y Pedro Jordano sobre los retos medioambientales“
- Matt McGrath | BBC - Environmental Communication - Periodista medioambiental
- Pedro Diego Jordano Barbudo | CSIC - Research professor

Matt McGrath
Environmental Communication
Matt McGrath began his career working as the editor of technology journals. In 1997 he joined BBC Radio 5 as a science and technology specialist, and in 2006 he became a science and environment reporter for the BBC, in 2012 taking up his current position as environmental correspondent. In 2010-2011 he spent time at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) after receiving a Knight Science Journalism scholarship, the most prestigious award in the field of scientific and environmental journalism. As an environmental reporter he has covered a wide range of topics, from the marketing of the first transgenic foods to scientific reports and summits on climate change, a subject which, together with the crisis of biodiversity, he considers a top priority. His journalistic work, on online channels and television, is a point of reference for millions of people all over the world who seek rigorous information about global environmental issues.

Pedro Diego Jordano Barbudo
CSIC research professor
Pedro Jordano is a biologist and CSIC researcher at the Doñana Biological Station. His research focuses on studying biodiversity from an ecological and evolutionary standpoint. He has won numerous national and international awards, including the 2018 Alejandro Malaspina National Award for Research into Science and Technology of Natural Resources, the 2018 Luis Balaguer Ecosystems Award, the British Ecological Society's Marsh Award in 2016, the 2014 King James I Award and the Ecological Society of America's Mercer Award in 2008.
Online streaming (ZOOM)
Online streaming (ZOOM)
Sustainable development goals
Agenda 2030 is the new international development agenda approved in September 2015 by the United Nations. This agenda aims to be an instrument to favour sustainable human development all over the planet, and its main pillars are the eradication of poverty, a reduction in equality and vulnerability and fostering sustainability. It is a unique opportunity to transform the world up to 2030 and guarantee human rights for all.

7 - Affordable and clean energy
Guaranteeing access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for everyone. Key issues: universal access, increased proportion of clean energies, energy efficiency, research, fostering investments in energy infrastructures and clean technologies, modern and sustainable energy services.
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